Bob Dylan的傳奇無庸置疑,導演Todd Haynes呈現穿梭現實/虛擬的深刻能力,更叫我肅然起敬。
這是一部不容易看的電影,虛實的複雜交錯,卻讓我看懂了Bob Dylan這個人的精彩。
「我把原本搖下一吋空隙的車窗整個搖到底,感覺到一股強風吹在我臉上,並等著他說的話散去------我好像在應 付一個陰謀。沒有一個地方夠遙遠。我不知道大家的夢想是什麼,但我的夢想是可以過朝九晚五的生活,在行道樹圍繞的街區擁有著一棟圍著白色籬笆的房子,後院 種著粉紅色玫瑰。這樣就好,這是我最大的夢想。」
( 巴布狄倫自傳《搖滾記》 ※注)
不管是哪一個Bob Dylan,音樂裡的、電視上的、自傳裡的、報導中的、粉絲眼中的、失望者心中的、想像中的、比想像更像想像的...,我想他已經證明了他成為這個時代傳奇的各種道理—雖然他討厭被視為「傳奇」。
Not Dark Yet
Shadows are falling and I’ve been here all day
It’s too hot to sleep, time is running away
Feel like my soul has turned into steel
I’ve still got the scars that the sun didn’t heal
There’s not even room enough to be anywhere
It’s not dark yet, but it’s getting there
Well, my sense of humanity has gone down the drain
Behind every beautiful thing there’s been some kind of pain
She wrote me a letter and she wrote it so kind
She put down in writing what was in her mind
I just don’t see why I should even care
It’s not dark yet, but it’s getting there
Well, I’ve been to London and I’ve been to gay Paree
I’ve followed the river and I got to the sea
I’ve been down on the bottom of a world full of lies
I ain’t looking for nothing in anyone’s eyes
Sometimes my burden seems more than I can bear
It’s not dark yet, but it’s getting there
I was born here and I’ll die here against my will
I know it looks like I’m moving, but I’m standing still
Every nerve in my body is so vacant and numb
I can’t even remember what it was I came here to get away from
Don’t even hear a murmur of a prayer
It’s not dark yet, but it’s getting there
※注:引用自<卵生水筆仔>一文內容 http://blog.roodo.com/bluelqe/archives/2713174.html